word choice - What is the difference between 必须, 得, and 需要 ...
chinese.stackexchange.com2016年11月30日 - It is very easy to mix up 必須and 必需, even for native speakers, as they have the same pronunciation (cantonese and mandarin) and very ...
要/得/必须- 需要/必要/必需| WordReference Forums
forum.wordreference.com2016年7月13日 - Hi to everyone! I'm studying the difference between these words : 要/得/必须but it's not totally clear to me. If I say : 你要多吃In this case "You ...
必须/ 应该/ 得| WordReference Forums
forum.wordreference.com2012年2月9日 - I've got a little problem with the three verbs 必须, 应该and 得and their uses. What I've been told is that 应该is kinda similar to English should,...
"Must", differences between 必须and 得- Learn chinese - italki Answers
www.italki.com2013年8月17日 - 必须: have to. Example : 你必须把饭吃完!!!you have to finish all the food ! 得: should. Example : 你得把饭吃完!you should finish all the ...
What is the difference between 必须and 得? | HiNative
hinative.com2017年4月8日 - Question about Simplified Chinese (China) | 必须通常可以被翻译为must,强调“一定”。 例子:你必须在今天完成工作。 得可以被翻译为should, ...
What is the difference between 必须and 一定要and 得? | HiNative
hinative.com2016年5月20日 - they pretty much mean the same thing 我必须去吃饭我一定要去吃饭我得去吃饭. They all mean "I must/have to go eat" but also keep in mind ...
必须vs. 得- Duolingo
www.duolingo.com1)必须indicates a more commanding way, while 要equals to "future tense". 你必须做你的功课。= You have to do your homework. 我要去做我的工作= I am going ...
「應」與「得」字-在法律規範及契約條款中之含意@ 利用空間:: 隨意窩Xuite ...
blog.xuite.net應該-必須. 例2:「任一方終止本合約,應於30日前以書面通知另一方。」 例3:「乙方應依前項說明及信用風險專案開發期程之進度,提供……」 3.應允-答應、允諾.
得, děi; 必须, bìxū; 不用, bú yòng; 应该, yīng gāi - DigMandarin
www.digmandarin.comDo you know how to say "have to & don't have to" in Chinese? What is the differences between得、必须and应该?
Chinese Words for Must/Have to: 必须(bìxū) or 必须要(bìxūyào), 得(děi ...
www.lingolearn.comI. The auxiliary verb 必须(bìxū=must) or 必须要(bìxūyào) is used in front of the main verb to indicate a strong obligation, such as someone commands people to ...