生產製程 英文翻譯
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dict.siteAs its product is special, the enterprise has the characteristics of large amounts of process, information exchange frequently between outside and inside of enterprise, long product life cycle, etc. project manufacture enterprise needs strong information
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工廠人員英文title @ Blank :: 痞客邦 ::
sandy7364.pixnet.netBioengineer 通 常指【 生物工程師、生物工程學家、生物工程(系)】,Biotechnician 通 常指【 生化技工,生物學家,生物工學士】。 如果是一般產品,建議如下,提供你參考 : 生產技術員(Production Technician ),生產技術師(Production Technologist ),生產技術 ...
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tw.answers.yahoo.com鐵網生產製程. The manufacturing process of iron wire mesh.
生產流程英文翻譯| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.com1. warehouse check-in 2. warehouse check-out 3. post-production process (or treatment).
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