頂行貿易有限公司 - 1111人力銀行
www.1111.com.tw公司成立將近35年................ 頂行貿易有限公司成立於1978年6月創業初10年,我們專注於出口拉鏈、拉鏈機械、整廠輸出,以及相關的製造技術移轉。 1990年,頂行已晉升為拉鏈出口業首屈一指的專業貿易商。 為了降低成本、提升競爭力;提供融資協助技術人員購買機械設備,成立專屬代工廠,形成特殊的經營路徑,增加了產銷利潤。
頂行貿易有限公司Gran Brothers Co., Ltd.
www.granbrothers.comGran Brothers Company was founded in June, 1978. For the first decade, we had only been engaged in zipper field such as exporting for zippers, zipper machines and whole plant of zipper making machinery, including the know-how transfer of zipper-making tec
中文 - 頂行貿易有限公司Gran Brothers Co., Ltd.
www.granbrothers.com顶行贸易有限公司成立于1978年6月 创业初10年,我们专注于出口拉链、拉链机械、整厂输出,以及相关的制造技术移转。 1990年,顶行已晋升为拉链出口业首屈一指的专业贸易商。为了降低成本、提升竞争力;提供融资协助技术人员购买机械设备,成立专属代工厂,形成特殊的经营路径,增加了产销利润。 为迈入多角化经营,尝试平行 ...
PRODUCTS 产品介紹 - 頂行貿易有限公司Gran Brothers Co., Ltd.
www.granbrothers.comGran Brothers Company was founded in June, 1978. For the first decade, we had only been engaged in zipper field such as exporting for zippers, zipper machines and whole plant of zipper making machinery, including the know-how transfer of zipper-making tec
ABOUT US 公司简介 - 頂行貿易有限公司Gran Brothers Co., Ltd.
www.granbrothers.comGran Brothers Company was founded in June, 1978. For the first decade, we had only been engaged in zipper field such as exporting for zippers, zipper machines and whole plant of zipper making machinery, including the know-how transfer of zipper-making tec
CONTACT US 联络我们 - 頂行貿易有限公司Gran Brothers Co., Ltd.
www.granbrothers.comGran Brothers Company was founded in June, 1978. For the first decade, we had only been engaged in zipper field such as exporting for zippers, zipper machines and whole plant of zipper making machinery, including the know-how transfer of zipper-making tec
頂行貿易有限公司Gran Brothers Co., Ltd.
www.granbrothers.comGran Brothers Company was founded in June, 1978. For the first decade, we had only been engaged in zipper field such as exporting for zippers, zipper machines and whole plant of zipper making machinery, including the know-how transfer of zipper-making tec
頂行貿易有限公司Gran Brothers Co., Ltd.
www.granbrothers.comGran Brothers Company was founded in June, 1978. For the first decade, we had only been engaged in zipper field such as exporting for zippers, zipper machines and whole plant of zipper making machinery, including the know-how transfer of zipper-making tec
頂行貿易有限公司Gran Brothers Co., Ltd.
www.granbrothers.comGran Brothers Company was founded in June, 1978. For the first decade, we had only been engaged in zipper field such as exporting for zippers, zipper machines and whole plant of zipper making machinery, including the know-how transfer of zipper-making tec
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