bindo lab
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新世代iPad POS系統| Bindo POS
bindopos.comBindo 的iPad POS零售系統共有300多個功能,並能協助管理您的零售商店及帶來更多的在線,店內及手機銷售。試試我們的14天免費試用!
A Smarter iPad POS System | Bindo POS
bindopos.comThe Bindo iPad POS system has 300+ features to help manage your retail store and sell more online, in-store, ... Hong Kong (English) ... All-in-One POS Solution.
Bindo 從紐約走到香港– StartupBeat
startupbeat.hkej.com2015年5月8日 - Bindo在2011年創立,是一個雲端iPad POS系統(POS:Point of Sale),透過iPad連接收銀機,系統除提供銷售、庫存管理外,更能整合客戶 ...
Encyclopédie Star Wars HoloNet - Encyclopedie en ligne
www.starwars-holonet.comDécouvrez tout l'univers de Star Wars sur notre encyclopédie : Batailles, Personnages, Vaisseaux, Armes, Planètes... ... L'encyclopédie Star Wars HoloNet vous ouvre les portes de la vaste galaxie de la Guerre des Etoiles. Personnages, vaisseaux, armes ...
Contact Us | Bindo POS
bindopos.comAddress (Hong Kong); Bindo Labs Limited Room 05/06, 23rd Floor, Laurels Industrial Centre No. 32 Tai Yau Street Kowloon, Hong Kong 852-2777-1177
如何與我們聯絡| Bindo POS
bindopos.comAddress (Hong Kong); Bindo Labs Limited Room 05/06, 23rd Floor, Laurels Industrial Centre No. 32 Tai Yau Street Kowloon, Hong Kong 852-2777-1177
A Smarter iPad POS System | Bindo POS
bindopos.comThe Bindo iPad POS system has 300+ features to help manage your retail store and sell more online, in-store, and on mobile. Try our 14-day free trial today!
Bindo Labs Limited - 香港格價網公司簡介. Bindo是一個雲端iPad POS (Point-of-sale )系統,能夠透過實時連結的庫存管理、客戶管理、訂貨管理和商業分析等功能,幫助零售企業在網絡時代與不斷 ...
Team | Bindo POS
bindopos.comBindo prides itself on a team that comes from a diverse range of ... hours with family time, rough-housing his yellow lab Bawston, and fishing as often as humanly ...
Bindo Labs, Inc.: Private Company Information - Bloomberg Labs, Inc. company research & investing information. Find executives and the latest company news.