don't go away英文版歌詞
don't go away英文版歌詞·相關網站分享資訊
BY2 [Don't Go Away] *English* Version MV - YouTube't Go Away [English Version] By [BY2] from their new album [Twins] Lyrics: Looking through your eyes ...
Don't Go Away(英文版) 歌詞BY2 ※ 魔鏡歌詞網
mojim.comDon't Go Away(英文版) 作詞:Miko+Yumi+Wilson Tan+ Zennon Goh 作曲:Miko+Yumi+Acid Pang 演唱:BY2 Looking through your eyes there's nothing to hide And you're no longer mi.
Don't Go Away(英文版) Lyrics BY2 ※ Mojim Lyrics
mojim.comDon't Go Away(英文版) Lyricist:Miko+Yumi+Wilson Tan+ Zennon Goh Composer:Miko+Yumi+Acid Pang 演唱:BY2 Looking through your eyes there's nothing to hide And you're.
Don't Go Away(英文版) 歌词BY2 ※ 魔镜歌词网
mojim.comDon't Go Away(英文版) 作词:Miko+Yumi+Wilson Tan+ Zennon Goh 作曲:Miko+Yumi+Acid Pang 演唱:BY2 Looking through your eyes there's nothing to hide And you're no longer mi.
BY2的Don't go away((英文版))的中文翻譯| Yahoo奇摩知識+ - Don't Go Away(英文版) 詞: Mr Mars+Miko+Yumi 曲:馮時澤+ Miko+Yumi Looking through your eyes 透過你的眼睛 there's nothing to hide 沒什麼要隱藏的. And you're no longer mine 而你不再是我的. How could I survive 我如何倖存 when you say goodbye 當你說再見時. Why do birds still fly up high 為何鳥仍舊
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Don't Go Away- BY2 Lyrics - YouTube't Go Away by BY2 Note: I do not own this song.