gotoAndPlay( )去玩工作室
How to Use gotoAndPlay() and gotoAndStop() in Flash CS5 ...
www.dummies.comHow to Use gotoAndPlay() and gotoAndStop() in Flash CS5 ActionScript ... with one of two variations of the goto statement: gotoAndPlay() and gotoAndStop().
gotoAndPlay MovieClip | Adobe Community - Adobe Forums
forums.adobe.comSo, rollover btn_Button01 and btn_Button02 will gotoAndPlay "over". I have tried this code but it is not working. I am not sure the proper syntax ...
Go to and play frame javascript in Animate CC | Adobe Community ...
forums.adobe.comgotoAndPlay(20);. Note that although you see the timeline going from 1 to 40, in Javascript the frames count from zero. If you want to jump back ...
gotoAndPlay in Javascript? | Adobe Community - Adobe Forums
forums.adobe.comBut things like 'gotoAndPlay', that's still actionscript and not javascript, right? That's the reason I can't find gotoAndPlay and gotoAndStop for ...
gotoAndStop VS. gotoAndPlay | Adobe Community - Adobe Forums
forums.adobe.comUsing this code for a button. If I want it to go to a later.
gotoAndPlay then stop | Adobe Community - Adobe Forums
forums.adobe.comI am new to ActionScript 3.0 and need some help. I am trying to create a button that will jump ahead to a specific frame, let the animation run, ...
Play frame for 30 seconds, then gotoAndPlay(); | Adobe Community ...
forums.adobe.comOk, I can't figure out how to make this work. I am working in AS2, and am looking for a code that allows me to stop the frame (which is easy: ...
Actionscript 3: gotoAndStop / gotoAndPlay - YouTube年8月23日 - 7 分鐘 - 上傳者:ElementalBasics Not much, just an added tutorial.
Flash Tutorial (gotoAndPlay) - YouTube年8月10日 - 2 分鐘 - 上傳者:Taimanero Flash Tutorial Code 1: on(press){ gotoAndPlay(2); } Code 2: on(press){ gotoAndPlay(2); }