manufacturer 意思
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OEM - MBA智库百科
wiki.mbalib.comOEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer,貼牌生產或原始設備製造商)OEM原指由採購方提供設備和技術,由製造方提供人力和場地,採購方負責銷售,製造方負責生產的一種現代流行的生產方式。但是,目前大多採用由採購方提供品牌和授權,由製造方生產貼有該 ...
Manufacturers Directory for Taiwan & China Manufacturers, Suppliers Ming Machinery Ind. Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of plastic recycling machines and has been in the plastic recycling field for almost two decades. It has the best credentials in the plastic recycling peripherals, such as granulators, mixers, ribbon, b
manufacturer 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
cdict.netmanufacturer /m,ænjəf'æktʃɚɚ/ 共發現 6 筆關於 [manufacturer] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [pydict] manufacturer 製造商,製造廠 來源(2): 看 ...
manufacturer是什么意思_manufacturer的中文意思_用法_同义词 - 沪江"The sensing device, if not specifically ordered from the pump manufacturer, shall be approved by the pump/motor manufacturer." 感应继电器(如果没有向泵制造商特别定购)应该经过泵/电机制造商认可。 Resident fount: In laser printers, founts which are suppiled by the manufacturer.Also known
什麼是ODM - MBA智库百科,全球最大的中文经管百科
wiki.mbalib.comODM(Original Design Manufacture,委托設計與製造或原始設計製造)ODM是英語Original Design Manufacturer的縮寫,指由採購方委托製造方,由製造方從設計到生產一手包辦,而由採購方負責銷售的生產方式,採購方通常會授權其品牌,允許製造方生產貼有該品牌 ...
manufactured 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
cdict.netTo make (wares or other products) by hand, by machinery, or by other agency; as, to manufacture cloth, nails, glass, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. To work, as raw or partly wrought materials, into suitable forms for use; as, to manufacture wool, , silk [1913 ] 來
manufacturing在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary
dictionary.cambridge.orgmanufacturing的意思、解釋及翻譯:the business of producing goods in large numbers: 。了解更多。
manufacturer是什么意思? manufacturer翻译(中文英文):制造业者, 厂商 ...
dict.zhuaniao.commanufacturer的解释是:制造业者, 厂商… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:manufacturer的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。