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這個月想談談「勤行」這件事。 勤行是信心修行的基本,我們信心修行的根幹,在於早晚「五座、三座」的勤行。日蓮大聖人的佛法,是以即身成佛為目的,而成佛不可欠缺的修行,就是「五座、三座」的勤行。 那麼,信心之目的的成佛,到底是說怎麼樣的事呢?日蓮正宗的即身成佛,雖然是以原來之身,原原本本地成佛的意思,但卻是非常重要 ...
日蓮正宗介紹 | 總本山大石寺 | 基金會與組織 | 台灣寺院介紹 | 活動報導 | 信仰體驗談
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Monastery information Full name Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation, Taiwan Order Mahayana Established 14 May 1966 People Founder(s) Cheng Yen Abbot Cheng Yen Site Location Hualien, Taiwan Website /en
標題, 更新日期. 不斷地採納信徒的意見和不滿,組織不是會變得更好嗎? 2018- ...
持妙法華問答抄』. 『 持妙法華問答抄』云:. 「望上根勿自卑,不捨下根乃本懷也。
香港佛教日蓮正宗| Shobo Nichiren Shoshu (Hong Kong) Association. ... 台灣日蓮正宗 美國日蓮正宗 Designed ...
Buddhist monasticism is one of the earliest surviving forms of organized monasticism in the history of religion. It is also one of the most fundamental institutions of Buddhism. Monks and nuns are considered to be responsible for the preservation and diss
74. Waku-ji i shi shu. Waa coo G E she shoo. 75. Setsu butsu-ju mu-ryo. Set Sue boot Sue ju moo rio. 76. Ku nai ken bus-sha. Coo nye Ken boos sha. “nye” rhymes with “bye” 77. I setsu butsu nan chi. E set Sue boot Sue non ch ee. 78. Ga chi-riki nyo ze. Gaa