poka yoke
poka yoke·相關網站分享資訊
防呆- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
zh.wikipedia.org错误校对(日语:ポカヨケ poka yoke),又称防呆,是一種預防矯正的行為約束手段,運用防止錯誤发生或者防止错误流出的限制方法,讓操作者不需要花費注意力、也不需要經驗與專業知識即可直覺無誤完成正確的操作。 目录. [隐藏]. 1 語源; 2 用途; 3 原則與範例; 4 相關條目; 5 參考資料; 6 外部連結. 語源[编辑]. 防呆是一個源自於日本 ...
防呆 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
zh.wikipedia.org不小心下錯的棋子」,引申為一般生活中不小心造成的錯誤;而「 ヨケ 」則為預防的意思 ... 電腦記憶體模組的防呆設計 凹洞。 相符:利用形狀、數學公式、發音、數量檢測,如連接線 ...
Poka-yoke - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.orgPoka-yoke (ポカヨケ, [poka joke]) is a Japanese term that means "mistake-proofing" or "inadvertent error prevention". The key word in the second translation, ...
Poka Yoke | Lean Manufacturing Tools
leanmanufacturingtools.orgWhat is Poka Yoke, what is it for and what does it look like in practice? How do we use Poka Yoke in Lean manufacturing?
Poka-yoke | iSixSigma
www.isixsigma.comOften referred to as “error-proofing,” poka-yoke is actually the first step in truly error-proofing a system. Error-proofing is a manufacturing technique of preventing ...
poka yoke_百度百科
baike.baidu.comPOKA-YOKE日文名称ポカヨケ,意为“防误防错”,亦即Error & Mistake Proofing,又称愚巧法,防呆法。意即在失误发生前即加以防止的方法。它是一种在作业过程中 ...
What is Poka Yoke? - Kanbanize
kanbanize.comOne of the most valuable takeaways is Poka Yoke. It has become one of the most powerful work standardization techniques and can be applied to any ...
Poka-Yoke - Six Sigma Terminology - Six Sigma Daily
www.sixsigmadaily.com2013年1月4日 - Poka yoke (pronounced POH KA YOKE) is a mistake proofing approach to eliminating errors or preventing errors that was developed by the ...
Poka-Yoke - system, examples, type, company, workplace, business ...
www.referenceforbusiness.comPoka-yoke is a technique for avoiding simple human error in the workplace. Also known as mistake-proofing, goof-proofing, and fail-safe work methods, ...
poka yoke_百度百科
baike.baidu.comPOKA-YOKE日文名称ポカヨケ,意为“防误防错”,亦即Error & Mistake Proofing,又 称愚巧法,防呆法。意即在失误发生前即加以防止的方法。它是一种在作业过程中 ...