ptt gov tr ptt bbs網址
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www.ptt.ccFw: [請益] 電力系統平衡三相變壓問題. 3/20. Parents. 7. Re: 請教中油雇員備取問題 萬分感謝了. 3/20. jogmc. 1. [贈送] 尊榮禮卷2000 2張(送出). 3/20. SuGoEa. 13. [ 閒談] 我中區訪銷分數86.4 是否不用練沙包了... 3/20. gohellloser. 關於菸酒農化 教科書選用. 3/20. hanwei1598. 34. [討論] 現職vs 國營職員. 3/21. foreverwhat. 7.
PTT A.Ş. Gönderi Takip MAIL TRACKING. Please, enter your barcode number. Lüfen biraz bekleyip sayfayı tekrar günelleyin. Barcode number.
PTT A.Ş. Gönderi TakipÖNDERİ TAKİBİ. Gönderinizin üzerindeki Barkod numarasını giriniz. Lüfen biraz bekleyip sayfayı tekrar güncelleyin. Barkod Numarası.
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www.ptt.cc關於「好人卡撲克牌」事件 關於「好人卡撲克牌」事件,批踢踢實業坊站方經過和台大學務處溝通與討論後,咸認為有公開對使用者說明之必要,作成三點聲明如下: 繼續閱讀 批踢踢實業坊支持網站分級
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Turkey - 第 58 頁 - Google 圖書結果, since 1996 most of its telecommunications functions have been hived off as TT (Turk Telekom), distinguished by its blue-on-turquoise call boxes. ... Postal services Stamps are only available from the PTT, whose website (®www.ptt. has full
The Rough Guide to Turkey - 第 58 頁 - Google 圖書結果 58 COmmunications The Turkish postal and telephone service was historically run by the state-owned PTT (Posta Telefon ve Telegraf), with its black-on-yellow livery. However, since 1996 most of its telecommunications functions have been hived off as TT
Worldwide Government Directory with Intergovernmental Organizations 2013 Martino. S T U S T U S T U S T U S. GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF POSTS Sehit Tegmen Kalmaz Caddesi, Number 2, Ulus, Ankara, Turkey Telephone: [90] (312) 309-5000 Fax: [90] (312) 309-5144, 309-5145 Internet: E-mail: ...