q switch wiki
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Wiki:Q-switch-我剛翻譯的 @ 不平凡,就不是生活 :: 痞客邦 ::
genlee.pixnet.netQ-switch (Q switch,Q-switching): Q-switching,以具有「大能量的脈衝」聞名,是一項能產生脈衝式雷射的科技。這項科技能讓雷射釋出相當高(Giga Watt)能量
Q-switching - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.orgActive Q-switching Here, the Q-switch is an externally controlled variable attenuator. This may be a mechanical device such as a shutter, chopper wheel, or spinning mirror/prism placed inside the cavity, or (more commonly) ...
Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology - Q switching, Q-switched laser, pulses, modulator, sat
www.rp-photonics.comFor active Q switching (Figure 1), the losses are modulated with an active control element (active Q switch), typically either an acousto-optic or electro-optic modulator. Here, the pulse is formed shortly after an electrical trigger signal arrives. There
Switch - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.orgIn electrical engineering, a switch is an electrical component that can "make" or " break" an .... or in some cases the letter "T" (for "triple") or "Q" (for "quadruple").
Gain-switching - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.orgGain-switching is a technique in optics by which a laser can be made to produce pulses of light ... If the injection current is rapidly switched off at the proper time, for example ... Q-switching is more commonly used for producing pulsed output
Q-switch - Wikipedia
nl.wikipedia.orgQ-switch is een Engelse term (Duits: Güteschalter) om een toestel aan te duiden dat van een continue (CW, Engels: Continuous Wave, Duits: Dauerstrich) laser ...
Güteschalter – Wikipedia
de.wikipedia.orgEin Güteschalter, auch Q-Switch, ist ein optisches Bauelement für Pulslaser, mit dem schlagartig Lasertätigkeit zugelassen werden kann. Im Vergleich zu bloßer ...
Q-switching – Wikipedia
sv.wikipedia.orgQ-switching är en teknik för att skapa korta laserpulser med mycket hög effekt ... Benämningen Q-switch kommer från det att kavitetens Q-värde switchas (växlas) ...
Q-switching - Wikipedia
it.wikipedia.orgIl Q-switching, è una tecnica per mezzo della quale un laser può produrre un fascio d'uscita impulsato. Questa tecnica permette la produzione con impulsi di ...
Q-Switch – ויקיפדיה
he.wikipedia.orgניתן להפיק שתי צורות של מוצא בלייזר - לזירה רציפה ולזירה פולסית. לפולסים של לייזר יש שימושים רבים למשל בחתוך וקידוח בלייזר, באופטיקה לא ליניארית, Q-switching היא אחת ...