s16r pta
s16r pta·相關網站分享資訊
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Mitsubishi S16R-PTA | DET Mitsubishi - Diesel Equipment Trading
det-mitsubishi.comMitsubishi S16R-PTA is a very powerfull and reliable diesel engine, used in industrie and marine applications. One of the most succesfull Mitsubishi engines.
mitsubishi s16r-pta - powerhouse.se
www.powerhouse.se2016年1月19日 - www.powerhouse.se. MITSUBISHI S16R-PTA. Click on the headlines below to get redirected to the respective sections in this document.
mitsubishi s16r-pta - powerhouse.se
www.powerhouse.se2016年1月20日 - MITSUBISHI S16R-PTA. Click on the headlines below to get redirected to the respective sections in this document. GA drawing. Technical data.
S16R-PTA - German Generator GmbH
germangenerator.comS16R-PTA. SPECIFICATION SHEET. DIESEL ENGINES. GENERAL ENGINE DATA. Type. 4-Cycle, Water Cooled. Aspiration. Turbo-Charged, After Cooler.
MGS-C series Gen set catalogue
www.mhiet.co.jps16R2-PTAW KT84 2187.5/2250* KT84 1900. S16R-PTAA2 KT83. 2000. S16R-PTA2-S KT83 1935. S16R-PTA-S ZPF 1735 ZPE 1550. S12R-PTA2-S ZPD 1390.
mitsubishi s16r-pta - Mototech.ru
mototech.ruMITSUBISHI S16R-PTA. Click on the headlines below to get redirected to the respective sections in this document. GA drawing. Radiator drawing. Technical ...
Power Generation Engines - Mitsubishi Turbocharger and Engine ...
www.mtee.euS16R-PTA: High speed diesel engine available in all ratings including continuous operation. Power Generation Engines: 6.4 up to 5880 kW. 10 kW. 50 kW.
www.spp-power.comMITSUBISHI S16R-PTA SPECIFICATION SHEET DIESEL ENGINES ENGINE RATING All data represent net performance with standard accessories such as air cleaner, inlet /exhaust manifolds, fuel oil system, L.O. pump, etc. under the condition of 29.38 in. (746 ...
Mitsubishi | J & H Diesel & Turbo Service, Inc.
jhdiesel.comPart Number Model Customer Application Engine Customer P/N 49129-00050 TF15 YANMAR 16NHL 133160-18020 49129