the parlour 1881
the parlour 1881·相關網站分享資訊
長廊 - Harbour Plaza
www.harbour-plaza.com設計典雅的Heritage Parlour以其維多利亞式露台聞名,客人在鳥瞰九龍商業區的 繁華景致之餘,亦能享受鬧市當中的片刻寧靜。
長廊– 香港尖沙咀1881 的西式酒店餐廳| OpenRice 香港開飯喇
www.openrice.com長廊The Parlour的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於尖沙咀廣東道2A Hullett House主樓地下。主要菜式包括甜品, 沙律, Salmon, High Tea Set, 。
Pub - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.orgA pub, or public house, is an establishment licensed to sell alcoholic drinks, which traditionally include beer (such as ale) and cider. It is a relaxed, social ...
Heritage Parlour - Harbour Plaza Hotel
www.harbour-plaza.comHeritage Parlour is like a utopia that will surprise guests with its tranquil and exquisite dining atmosphere. The classic three-layered afternoon tea offering, and ...
Heritage Parlour – 香港尖沙咀1881 的西式酒店餐廳| OpenRice 香港 ...
www.openrice.comHeritage Parlour 的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於尖沙咀廣東道2A Hullett House主樓地下。
Heritage Parlour - Harbour Plaza
www.harbour-plaza.comHeritage Parlour is like a utopia that will surprise guests with its tranquil and exquisite dining atmosphere. The classic three-layered afternoon tea offering, and other tempting food selections will never fail to please any fastidious diner.
【香港-尖沙嘴】1881 Herritage The Parlour 下午茶@ Sophia & The City ...
sophiachu22.pixnet.net2012年6月7日 - 前一陣子妮可約我到尖沙嘴喝下午茶,我研究了一下,決定捨棄著名的半島酒店,而來到1881 Heritage的The Parlour餐廳。多年前,我首次到香港來 ...
The Parlour – 香港尖沙咀1881 的西式西餐廳浪漫情調| OpenRice 香港 ...
www.openrice.comThe Parlour 的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於尖沙咀廣東道2A Hullett House主樓地下。
Hong Kong Hotel Restaurants and Bars | Hullett House
www.harbour-plaza.comThe hotel has two restaurants and one bar serving all-day delicacies to guests. While Heritage Parlour offers enjoyment of international flavour in a colonial ambience ... Enjoying a stunning view of Hullett House’s white-stucco colonnades dating from 188
Na Píobairí Uilleann
pipers.ieCHECK OUT OUR LATEST VIDEO Introduction to Uilleann Piping with Mick O’Brien, Louise Mulcahy, Pat Mitchell, Kevin, Tierna and Naoise Rowsome, Gay McKeon and Jane Walls Watch it here……